Dear reader, 


These are the latest news and especially action points with regard to the humanitarian situation in Tigray. 


1.       Food aid suspension by WFP and famine in Tigray 

The food aid is still suspended by WFP and USAID and famine further develops in Tigray, now that we are reaching the lean season. Except that fighting has stopped, people in Tigray do not see much positive changes since the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement. After two war years without salaries, many people continue to work without wages… And USAID and WFP stopped all food aid, thereby punishing the victims of the aid theft, rather than the culprits! After all these months, no comprehensive report was published and no corrective measures taken. And people are let to starve. Many media and opinion pieces now address the issue. 


2.       New book 

Rita Kahsay, Rowena Kahsay, Sally Keeble, 2023. In Plain Sight: Sexual violence in the Tigray conflict. Kindle and Paperback versions for sale on Amazon. 


3.       Appeal to extend the mandate of the International Commission on Human Rights and Enquiry into Ethiopia (ICHREE) 

Campaign by Legacy Tigray to send messages to the UN HRC member missions to lobby for the extension of ICHREE’s mandate after September.  


4.       AGU23 session: Advances in Earth Observation and Monitoring Impact of Armed Conflict on Ecosystem Services 

The American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting is one of the largest international conference of  earth scientists. This year, our friends Liya Weldegebriel (Stanford), Emnet Negash (UGent) and colleagues from the Conflict and Environment Observatory as well as the University of California Berkeley organise a session on “Advances in Earth Observation and Monitoring Impact of Armed Conflict on Ecosystem Services”. To say it in layman’s words: the use of satellite imagery to capture the impact of wars on the environment. Read it here: (and possibly submit your abstract) 


5.       Full recording of "The Effects of War on Higher Education in Ethiopia" round table, hosted by Prof. Michael Gervers (University of Toronto) 

From the University of Toronto website: 

On 22 November 2022 the Department of Historical and Cultural Studies (HCS) at the University of Toronto Scarborough sponsored a round table webinar entitled “The Effects of War on Higher Education in Ethiopia.” The objective of this round table, and now the video recording thereof, is to inform the University of Toronto community, Canadians, and scholars and the public elsewhere, of the destruction of Ethiopia’s contemporary system of higher education and its ancient cultural heritage. The devastation has come about as a consequence of the two-year-old war perpetrated by the Ethiopian and Eritrean governments against the nearly 6-million inhabitants of the Tigray region in the country’s north. Following the start of the engagement on 4 November 2020, the Federal government closed Tigray’s four universities, interrupted all levels of education across the region, and cut the entire population off from banking and communication services. It also disconnected the electrical supply, destroyed the agricultural and industrial sectors, and prevented food provided by humanitarian agencies from entering the region. The universities have been ransacked and their removeable infrastructure looted. Civilians everywhere have been, and continue to be targeted, especially in extensive parts of Tigray currently occupied by the Eritrean army. There have been horrendous massacres and, on 13 September 2022, the Business Campus of Mekelle University was bombed in a government-sponsored drone attack intended further to intimidate simultaneously both the educational and civilian sectors. Meanwhile, the many Ethiopian universities outside Tigray, including Addis Ababa University (founded in the 1950s by Canadian Jesuits) contributed over USD $5 million towards the government’s war effort against Tigray. 

The Ethiopian Minister of Education, H.E. Professor Berhanu Nega, and the president of Addis Ababa University, Professor Tassew Woldehanna were invited to participate in the round table, but did not respond to the invitation. Professor Menegesha Ayene, president of Wollo University, volunteered to participate, but did not attend. 

Full recording is also directly available on YouTube, with subtitles.  

Part I: (Nathalie Rothman, Patrick Wight, Alexie Tcheuyap, Richard Reid, Kindeya Gebrehiwot, Jan Nyssen, Goitom Tegegn) 

Part II: (Hagos Abraham, Wolbert Smidt, Goitom Admasu, Patrick Wight) 


6.       Other media and opinion pieces 


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